Mit uns schaffen Sie maximalen Mehrwert für Ihr Unternehmen und werden zum CX-Champion. Der Schlüssel zu Ihrem Erfolg ist unser USP: Der Resonanzraum. Hier entwickeln wir gemeinsam Lösungsansätze, die unternehmerisch rentabel, technologisch realisierbar und für die Nutzer attraktiv und effizient anwendbar sind. Denn nur wenn Prozesse, Daten, Applikationen und Menschen erfolgreich zusammenwirken, kann digitale Transformation gelingen. Vor allem im Bereich Customer Experience. Aus dieser Überzeugung bieten wir alle relevanten Leistungen unter einem Dach. Mit CX-Consulting als strategischem Bindeglied. Mit diesem holistischen Blick begleiten wir Sie in jeder Phase Ihrer digitalen Transformation und gehen in einen Austausch und Entwicklung, die sich gegenseitig verstärken – End-to-End.
Customer and user perspective in focus
Basis of trust for joint development
Enhanced impact and harmonization of CX strategies
Synergy effects on overall processes

Successful digital strategies are not created through technology alone, but through resonance – the interplay of understanding, trust, and genuine answers. This resonance forms the foundation for sustainable success and creates the space in which we can shape digital transformation together with you.
Thomas Regele, CEO at SYBIT
Skills for Your Success

Consulting at SYBIT: Master Complexity
Are you facing a complex array of touchpoints, business models, and technologies while searching for your individual path to success? We offer you the most comprehensive CX consulting—through open and honest dialogue.

Digitalization: Shape customer-centric applications
We implement and harmonize CX applications based on focused consulting and collaborative partnerships. The result: CX solutions that ensure efficiency, appeal, and profitability. Because they are optimized for you and your customers.

UX Design
UX Design: Maximum Digital Impact
Let’s talk about software that works. That solves problems, rather than causing them. That’s enjoyable to use, thanks to intuitive handling and quick orientation. Our approach: To manage the pressure for sustainable transformations, a strategic focus on UX is essential.

SAP CX: Grow end-to-end
From CRM to a comprehensive customer portal: We create platforms that harmonize all your customer-oriented processes. With a holistic perspective designed from the outset for profitable overall processes. This way, we strengthen each other. And you grow sustainably.