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Sybit project methodology

We are using the agile project methodology for years. Collaborating closely with our customers, we are capable of managing the most complex of projects.

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Agile Software Development

We have been using the agile project methodology successfully for many years. The regular close interaction between us and our customers that this involves ensures that even the most complex projects are managed successfully.

Our secret: diligence and discipline in the implementation – openness and transparency in our interactions.

The benefit to you: a flexible method with which we can jointly achieve your goals.

The flexibility of the Sybit project methodology ensures that you will be able to make any necessary changes to your requirements – for instance because of the way the project is progressing, changes in the market, etc. – at any time.

Agile Software Developement at Sybit Overview

The Sybit project methodology is based on a clear, structured approach using tried and tested concepts and tools, creating the right conditions for a comprehensively successful project. To this end, we have extended the agile project methodology by Phase 0, during which we work with you to establish how to maximize your business value. This approach yields clear results, which inform the subsequent agile project implementation process.

I’ve never experienced as smooth a go-live as this one

“I’ve never experienced as smooth a go-live as this one. Despite extensive adaptations and the need for numerous connections to existing systems we stayed well within schedule at all times.”

Alexander Schrödel, Head of E-Business/E-Services, REHAU Gruppe


Zur Success Story

Flexibility and transparency. We provide you with a Sprint/progress report every two weeks as well as a demonstration of fully functioning software in a usable condition. Consequently, you always know:

  • what we are working on at the time
  • where we are in terms of budget and schedule
  • whether it is necessary to change or expand your requirements

This approach serves as the basis for our successful implementation projects in the areas of e-business, CRM, and Content Management  – from the kickoff to the joint formulation of a concept in Phase 0, implementation and testing to training, go-live, and ultimately the stabilization phase.

We are experts

  • All our employees have received intensive training and are certified in the agile project methodology
  • We have  years of experience from numerous successful agile projects
  • We are constantly working on improving and optimizing our project methodology and the tools we use

Phase 0

Phase 0 establishes the foundation for the project. During this phase, we analyze your concrete requirements situation as well as the existing technological infrastructure and advise you with respect to your strategic goals. We jointly decide on a strategy to achieve those goals and on concrete solutions that will fulfil your requirements and those of your customers. Our intention is not simply to implement a solution, but to understand your goals and help you achieve them.

This project phase is characterized by the following:

  • A methodology to perform an analysis of concrete requirements based on known concepts
  • clear and structured course of action that is based on individual elements and places the enduser at the center
  • An approach that delivers clear results and ends in an agile project process (Scrum)
  • A process that involves the entire project team in the realization of the complex undertaking
Sybit project methodology phase 0

During this phase we work with you to establish,

  • Who the users of the future solution will be
  • The requirements that will bring the greatest added value for the users – taking into account the environment, the market and the competition
  • An appropriate interaction concept and design for the users (together with our UX experts)
  • The suitability of the existing technological infrastructure of the systems to be integrated
  • A prioritised and structured set of requirements for implementation
  • A comprehensiverelease planning schedule

Testing is an integral part of our development. Therefore, in addition to the automated testing, all developments are also tested again manually where necessary.

As a customer, you have direct access to project monitoring tools and development systems and can see in real time what work is currently in progress, which items are still outstanding and how the current phase of the development can be managed.

Implementation & testing

We implement the components that are important to you in close collaboration with you. At the heart of the Scrum agile project methodology are sprints, in which we present interim results to you at regular intervals (every 14 days) and discuss possible changes. Our developer teams are self-organised to ensure the best possible performance.

At these same intervals, a review is also carried out in order to scrutinise the solution that has been implemented up to this point. Are we on the right track? Are there any requests for changes and/or additions? What is the current project status in regard to time, budget, risks and deadlines?

Sybit project methodology - Implementation Detail

The benefits of this approach for you:

  • Develops close cooperation on an equal footing
  • Early identification of new requirements
  • Quick response to changing requirements
  • Transparent working through fully digitalised project processes


In order to ensure project progress, we define clear channels of communication for quick and efficient decision-making before the project starts. The steering group plays a key role in this. This group makes fundamental decisions, monitors progress, sets priorities and approves changes.

In our projects, we recommend including at least one representative from Sybit in the steering group. Experience has shown that the steering group should meet regularly – not only when problems arise.

Go-live & roll-out

A successful go-live can lift the spirits of an entire company, while a failed one can lead to a tool never being accepted.

In anticipation of the go-live date, intensive preparations for Day X are made during the implementation phase. This allows us to cover all steps from system delivery to the final quality assurance via system tests.

For the actual go-live, we guarantee you direct access to our implementation team through our HyperCare Support. Thanks to this direct communication channel, any queries that may arise can be addressed quickly and easily.

Application Management Services (AMS)

We have reached our goal – and are moving forward together. New releases, expanding IT landscapes and advancing digitalisation processes require constant ongoing development of your systems. Even after the project has been completed, we still have a great deal to offer you:

  • Consulting AMS: Tailor-made consulting service, at short notice if necessary, based on agreed conditions.
  • Application management: based on an SLA, response time/on-call time/HyperCare and 1st, 2nd, 3rd level support.
  • Maintenance: Middleware monitoring, installation of updates & patches, system monitoring & system operation.

Want to take it one step further?

When it comes to comprehensive digital projects, starting is better than waiting. Simply get in touch with us.

Jennifer Bertsche, Business Development

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Jennifer Bertsche