Radolfzell-based SAP consulting firm Sybit has once again received the prestigious familyNET “Family-Conscious Company” award. Additionally, Sybit earned the “Outstanding Digital” certificate, recognizing the company’s dedication to a family-friendly, life-phase-oriented work culture and its exceptional practices in flexible working arrangements, employee benefits, health initiatives, and digital HR management.

“We are thrilled with this award, as it’s one of the few recognitions based on a rigorous audit process, including hours of interviews with our leadership and employees,” says Caroline Moßbrucker, HR Team Lead at Sybit. “This accolade reaffirms our deep commitment to supporting the work-life balance of everyone at Sybit, and it’s only natural for us to leverage advanced digital tools to make that possible.”

On February 9, 2023, a total of 32 companies from industries spanning manufacturing, services, and social economy sectors were honored with the familyNET “Family-Conscious Company” award. An additional 20 companies, including Sybit, also certified for the enhanced “Outstanding Digital” distinction. The awards evaluated companies’ efforts in areas including leadership and personnel development, location and organization of work, communication, financial benefits, family services, health, and civic engagement.

familyNET is supported by the Baden-Württemberg Employers’ Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry (Südwestmetall) and the Employers’ Association of the Chemical Industry in Baden-Württemberg. The project is managed by the Educational Institute of Baden-Württemberg’s Economy, in partnership with the State Family Council of Baden-Württemberg and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor, and Tourism.