Over 100 participants gathered at the recent Sybit Expert Forum Service Excellence on September 28, 2023, to discover why the digital transformation of customer service is essential, what solutions are available, and how others have already optimized their processes. Two key topics captured the audience's attention: the analysis of the new SAP Service Cloud V2 and an overview of the service processes and system landscape at Mosca.

What challenges are service departments facing today? How can customer service become a business driver? The event started with these critical questions. A quick survey among participants revealed a shifting industry: nearly 50% stated that their primary goals in service are process optimization, revenue increase, or cost reduction. Only a quarter indicated that enhancing customer experience was the main objective.

Expertenforum Service 2023
Expertenforum Service 2023

Paths to Success Without Economic Growth

In their subsequent presentations, Christian Blattgerste from SAP’s VO Solution Engineering CX MEE and Thilo Kerner, Chief Revenue Officer at Sybit, outlined how such goals can be achieved even without economic growth. They identified three approaches:

  • Automation: Automated processes can significantly enhance efficiency.
  • Digitalization: New business models await within new digital processes.
  • Customer-Centricity: Effectively serving customers across all channels increases satisfaction.
Expertenforum Service 2023 - Proactive Service

Data-Driven Success

The key to successfully pursuing these approaches lies in data. This data becomes effectively actionable through new digital processes and corresponding solutions. When implemented correctly, service can become a powerful driving force for the entire business by considering the following aspects:

  • Brand Maker: Service is a marketing channel that drives demand and enhances your brand’s value.
  • No Silos: Breaking down departmental boundaries and sharing data improves collaboration and increases customer satisfaction.
  • AI Assistance: AI can reduce repetitive tasks, speed up processes, and allow a greater focus on important tasks.
  • Proactive Service: Increases demand, boosts revenue, and enhances loyalty.

Following these presentations, which focused on the question “Why digitize service?”, the discussion turned to the critical “How?”.

Expertenforum Service 2023 - bis 2030

Expert Insights from Sybit

Sybit speakers Valeska Nagel, Lars Frerking, Armin Kehl, and Fabian Huber provided in-depth insights into the technologies, processes, and strategies in customer service. Key topics included:

  • Analytics and Reporting in Service: How the SAP Analytics Cloud optimizes service processes.
  • The SAP Service Cloud V2: What it can do and who should take action.
  • Technological Transformation: Finding the right target architecture in service.
Expertenforum Service 2023 - Mosca

Successful Service Digitalization at Mosca

The day's highlight was the presentation by Ninja Kübler, Head of Customer Center at Mosca, a leading company in strapping technology and transport security, which offers extensive services to its customers. Ninja Kübler provided exclusive insights into Mosca's system landscape and processes, sharing valuable details about the service digitalization project, the benefits achieved, and the key success factors:

  • Focus on Core Processes
  • Consulting
  • Training
  • Internal Marketing
  • Motivation

After this final presentation, the top experts of the day reconvened on stage for an expert talk, collaboratively analyzing the day’s key insights and discussing how companies can take their first steps toward digital service processes.

Dr. Anders Landig

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Dr. Anders Landig, Content Marketing Manager